Why Italy? (and most of all) why Pesaro?: nuova puntata di I Love PU, rubrica per stranieri


24 maggio 2016

Villa Guerrieri - Pesaro

Villa Guerrieri – Pesaro

Ok, here I am, complaining again about not having enough time to keep my blog updated and feeling bad for not being one of those super-wonder-multi-tasking women I read so often about on magazines (but do they exist in the first place?) who post while cooking with their right hand and shutting  the laundry machine door with their left foot.

Besides, I just received a WordPress notification: ‘happy anniversary with WordPress.com’ reminding me I’ve been managing this blog for six years now but haven’t made it yet to take the ULTIMATE RESOLUTION about my life like: quitting my two new jobs and get reach and wealthy with WordPress promoting my beloved native country (HA!).

Musei Civici (on the left) and Casetta Vaccaj (with the balcony) – Pesaro

Musei Civici (on the left) and Casetta Vaccaj (with the balcony) – Pesaro


So I listened to a friend’s advice and, instead of planning long and detailed posts which I’ll never have the time to write (and which nobody probably will ever want to read!), I decided to go for a different way of promoting this gorgeous corner of Italy (the ‘province of Pesaro and Urbino’). When I run out of time, instead of postponing like I just did (my latest post dates back to april!), I’ll just post pictures with short texts.

Today, I am posting 3 pictures with a little explanation. Some time ago I asked you, and a few friends of mine, the following question: ‘What do you think of when I say Italy?’ I got the most interesting answers which helped me see my country from a total new (and unexpected) perspective. I posted a few comments, but left out some others.

Well, here are the most frequent answers I got to the question ‘Why Italy? (and) why travel to Pesaro’?:’Belle donne’, ‘It’s romantic’, ‘Cypresses’ (people may have thought about the nearby Tuscany here but we do have our own cypresses in the Marche region’.

Why travel to Italy? If you write me a comment, I’ll walk around taking pictures and will post them giving you the credit

A rainbow (not photoshopped but real!) on the sea – Pesaro

A rainbow (not photoshopped but real!) on the sea – Pesaro



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