I love Pu, la rubrica inglese di www.Pu24.it: Simona Ortolani vi racconta come si fa la Lemon Cake


28 settembre 2015

“I love PU” is a section written entirely in English and dedicated to foreign tourists, where you will find short report on appointments, events, history, people, culture, sport and curiosity of our beautiful territory: the province of Pesaro and Urbino.

Questa è una sezione interamente scritta in inglese e dedicata ai turisti stranieri dove, all’interno, troverete delle “pillole” informative su appuntamenti, eventi, storia, personaggi, cultura, sport e curiosità del nostro splendido territorio: la provincia di Pesaro e Urbino.

Alcuni degli articoli che troverete saranno a cura della blogger pesarese Simona Ortolani che, da quattro anni, cura un blog di promozione territoriale in inglese con l’intento di far conoscere la provincia di Pesaro e Urbino attraverso gli occhi di un’italiana doc e le sue esperienzie di vita ‘quotidiana’.

Il nome del suo blog trae spunto dai famosi versi di goethiana memoria: ‘conosci la terra dove fioriscono i limoni?’ – where lemons blossom, appunto (www.wherelemonsblossom.it)


Lemon Cake

Lemon Cake

It just occurred to me that despite the name of my blog – Where Lemons Blossom – I have never shared with you my favourite lemon cake recipe. It happens to be a cake I am fond of at least for two reasons: it was handed to me by a good friend living in Tuscany (you’ve got to have the best extra virgin olive oil at home, and in Tuscany you find it everywhere you turn your head) and it’s very easy to prepare.

As Walter – our Food & Wine guy at WLB – pointed out: in order to be a good cook you need to have good ingredients at hand. In our case the secret is good quality extra virgin olive oil (in our Province we have the famous ‘Olio di Cartoceto DOP’ but any good extra virgin olive oil will do) and Amalfi coast lemons (i.e. lemons coming from a special coastal area south of Neaples). Anyhow, the important thing to me as far as lemons are concerned is to have organic lemons.

These are the ingredients you need:

5 eggs;
250 gr. of sugar (+ extra 100 gr. for the topping juice);
250 gr. of flour;
4 lemons;
1 packet of baking powder (15/20 gr.);
200 gr of extra virgin olive oil.
The preparation is very simple: you mix the egg yolks with the sugar at first. Then you pour the mix of eggs and sugar into a bowl containing olive oil and flour. You beat the albumens until stiff and pour them upon the rest of the dough. You add the baking powder and that’s it! You just have to put the cake inside the oven for about an hour (150°).

While the cake is in the oven you have to boil 100 gr. of sugar with the lemon juice. Then, when the cake is ready and warm (but not hot), you turn the cake upside down and pour the juice on top of it. If you feel like you may decorate it with lemon slices.

Best after a few hours. If you bake it late in the evening, it will be an excellent breakfast.

You try it and tell me 😉

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